home made bread crumbs for jamaican beef patty


How to make homemade bread crumbs—Making your own bread crumbs is easy and it also tastes better than store bought. You can use plain, whole wheat, rye bread etc but please try not to use stale bread. 

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Place slices of bread in one layer on a baking sheet. Put in an oven at 150 deg. centigrade. If your oven doesn’t go that low, like mine, put on the lowest temp and leave the oven door slightly open.

Dry bread for 10 minutes, turn the slices to the other side and dry for 5 minutes. Sometimes I don’t even bother to turn it. It depends on how thin your slices are.

Grind with a food processor or rolling pin.

For a finer texture, sift using a fine sieve. Store in an airtight container or freezer bag and freeze for up to 6 months.

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