Ingredients for How to make ginger tea

How to make ginger tea

Knowing how to make Ginger tea is simple and no rocket science, but it worked wonders on me in my time of need. The year was 2012  I came down with the flu, the weather was cold and wet. I was miserable. I cried out on facebook, and my friend Uzo gave me this home remedy. It worked wonders, it soothed my sore throat, cleared my sinuses and just made me feel a whole lot better. 

Ingredients for How to make ginger tea

I have since found out that I might have been the only one who didn’t know about it or how to make ginger tea, it is quite common and hugely effective.

My son no. 3 even drinks it as a beverage now, so does my Renaissance Man. So I thought, since harmattan is hopefully on it’s way with the attendant dust and cold with catarrh, this is the best time to share it with those who like me, have been living under a rock.

Even if you don’t have flu or cold this drink is still worth your while, tastes really good. It has a mildly spicy, citrusy taste, though the more ginger you add the spicier it will be.

I don’t think powdered ginger will be good here, I haven’t tried using it, don’t intend trying it unless I really, really have to. The root ginger is what I use.

How to make ginger tea

15g (2 inches) root ginger
2 tablespoon honey (organic)
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

Peel and slice ginger. Squeeze lemon.

In a small pot, add 2 cups of water, add ginger and bring to a boil, leave to boil for 1 minute and take off the heat.

Depending on how strong you want your tea, leave to steep. The longer it steeps the stronger and spicier your tea.

Empty content into your mug, add honey and lemon, stir and enjoy.

bottle of ginger tea in how to make ginger tea

Sometimes, I boil the ginger down to about 1 cup of tea to get a concentrated liquid, which is cooled and stored in a bottle in the fridge. When I need it, I dilute with either hot or cold water, depending on my purpose, and disposition. Then I add honey and squeeze in lemon.

Ginger tea is amazing but like every good thing, too much is not good, so drink it in moderation.  

About being a cure for anything? I don’t know. Healthcare professionals, which I am not, will be able to answer that.

Want ideas for Christmas dinner? Here.

Let us know how much you enjoy Ginger tea, or any other tea, leave a comment.

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