
fried rice 1 6 Nigerian fried rice recipe

Nigerian fried rice recipe

This is a simple, basic Nigerian fried rice recipe. There are so many ways of creating this delectable dish that is so commonly eaten all over the world. It almost always partners the Nigerian jollof rice in Nigerian parties, at fast-food restaurants etc. like a fraternal twin with the attendant […]

Fresh Tomato Salsa

Fresh tomato salsa

Fresh tomato salsa has a clean and fresh taste and this recipe is simple, quick and easy to make. Since it is made from a few raw ingredients, the quality and freshness of these ingredients will determine the taste of the salsa. Try and use sweet tomatoes that are not very juicy […]

simple and healthy Vegetable Yam porridge

Vegetable Yam Porridge

Vegetable yam porridge is Yam Porridge with vegetables and possibly herbs added to it. I am making a separate post on it so I can highlight the fact that a variety of vegetables, herbs and combinations of vegetables and herbs can be used in preparing yam porridge. It is delicious […]

Flavour infused Jamaican rice and peas

Jamaican rice and peas

Jamaican Rice and peas is a common accompaniment in Caribbean cuisine. In fact, Sunday lunch has to have rice and peas as a part of it and it is no ordinary rice and peas. The Jamaican rice and peas is well infused with flavours but mellow enough not to overpower […]

Simple and wholesome poorman's potato (Patatas a lo pobre).

Poor man’s Potato

Poor man’s potato is a direct translation of the Spanish dish called Patatas a lo pobre. It is made up basically of potatoes, onions and peppers fried in oil. Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest. There is nothing poor about this dish, it is healthy, it is filling […]

Simple and wholesome vegetable yam (ji akwukwo).

Vegetable yam (ji akwukwo)

Vegetable yam (ji akwukwo) is a dish made with boiled yam, palm oil and vegetables, mostly green amaranth. You can also use a combination of two vegetables. My father who was part vegetarian, in the midst of serious carnivores, loved this simple dish. It is so easy to make and […]

healthy, rich and flavoursome plantain-porridge

Plantain porridge

Plantain porridge (pottage) is flavourful, rich and healthy, a regular in Nigerian homes. I grew up calling it a pottage, just like yam pottage too, but I came to realise that these dishes are more commonly called porridge, but who really cares, so long as it is amazingly delicious. A […]

Healthy, vegetarian achicha, dry cocoyam with black beans

Achicha, dry cocoyam

Achicha, dry cocoyam is pre-cooked, sun-dried cocoyam and it lends its name to the vegetarian dish made with it. Achicha is not only delicious and filling but low in calories. It is peculiar to the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria.

Pretty, sweet, crunchy, earthy, beetroot coleslaw

Beetroot Coleslaw

In this Beetroot coleslaw, the trio of cabbage, carrot, and beetroot is health food supercharged. Beetroots have surely joined the list of superfoods. They are sweet, earthy and crunchy.  My vegan and health food chefs, this is a toast to you. It is pretty to behold and tastes as pretty as […]

Sweet, earthy and Healthy beetroot juice mocktail

Beetroot Juice Mocktail

This healthy beetroot juice mocktail is beautiful to behold and delightful to drink. A lot of people are downing beetroot juice these days by the mug load. This is because beetroot is regarded by some health experts as a superfood (nutrient-rich food).  It reduces blood pressure, is high in immune-boosting vitamin […]