Pigeon pea is a species of beans and is grown and eaten in most parts of the world now. It has a high nutritional value, rich in protein, minerals, vitamins and lipids and is a wholesome food for both vegetarians and weight watchers. Pigeon pea can be cooked at different […]
Oto Mboro (Unripe banana porridge)
Oto Mboro is a porridge made with grated or pureed unripe bananas and vegetables. Similar to Ikokore (water yam porridge) and plantain porridge. It is delicious and healthy, so much so that it is part of the food given to young maidens who are confined in the fattening rooms of […]
African breadfruit soup, Ukwa soup
African breadfruit soup (Ukwa soup) is made with the excess cooking liquid or broth drained off when your breadfruit is cooked and ready. It is a special delicacy in Igboland of eastern Nigeria. This liquid has all the rich and delicate flavours of ukwa, the
African breadfruit pottage, Ukwa etelu ete
Breadfruit pottage is the paramount breadfruit dish. It is made with the heavy arsenals of Igbo cuisine. African breadfruit or Ukwa pod comes from the large ukwa tree. The heavy Ukwa pod falls to the ground and is processed to get the delicious ukwa seeds. It is cooked and eaten at […]
African breadfruit Porridge, Ukwa Porridge
African breadfruit porridge, Ukwa porridge has a delicate but muted sweetness, a flavour peculiar to it. It tastes so good, it can be eaten just boiled without the addition of any other ingredient even salt. African breadfruit, Ukwa (treculia africana) is very nutritious and excellent for vegetarians. It has oils […]
Moi Moi using beans flour
Moi moi is a very popular beans pudding in Nigeria, made mostly with skinned black-eyed peas (white beans) or brown beans which is in turn ground to a paste and steamed with other ingredients. Making moi moi using beans flour is not only easy and convenient but also tastes good. […]
Vegetable Yam Porridge
Vegetable yam porridge is Yam Porridge with vegetables and possibly herbs added to it. I am making a separate post on it so I can highlight the fact that a variety of vegetables, herbs and combinations of vegetables and herbs can be used in preparing yam porridge. It is delicious […]
Yam porridge, Yam Pottage
Yam porridge is very simple, quick and easy to make. It is delish and very filling, it always reminds me of my time in Federal Government College, Enugu doing my A’ Levels, Yam Po was a dish not be missed. It can be called yam pottage, just like Plantain Porridge / Plantain Pottage, […]
Okpa is the Igbo word for Bambara groundnut, in Hausa language, it is Gurjiya or kwaruru. Okpa is also the name of a boiled pudding made from this nut. It is a street food very common in the eastern part of Nigeria, though other metropolitan cities are catching up very fast. […]
Plantain porridge
Plantain porridge (pottage) is flavourful, rich and healthy, a regular in Nigerian homes. I grew up calling it a pottage, just like yam pottage too, but I came to realise that these dishes are more commonly called porridge, but who really cares, so long as it is amazingly delicious. A […]