Food Trek

St. Lawrence market

St. Lawrence Market Toronto

St. Lawrence market Toronto, is located on Front street east, Toronto Canada. It is over 200 years old (1803) and was ranked as the world’s best food market by National Geographic in its book “Food Journies Of A Lifetime”. It is made up of three main buildings: The South Market, the North Market […]

St. John's NL VegFest

VegFest, St. John’s NL, Canada VegFest

VegFest is an annual international vegan food festival which takes place in different parts of the world from North & South America, Africa, Europe to the far east. Each Festival is individually organised entirely by volunteers, it is a not-for-profit and attendance is free. VegFest is for vegans, vegetarians, environmentalists, foodies and anyone […]

farmers market 1 9 St. John's NL Canada Farmers' market

St. John’s NL Canada Farmers’ market

Whenever the sun is out in St. John’s, staying indoors seems a disservice to both yourself and the community. So this beautiful Saturday with nothing to do and longing for fresh produce, I decided to go to the St. John’s farmers’ market, dragging son no.2 with me. The sun was smiling […]