Author: gaga

Nigerian party appetizers (small chops) in a tray

18 Nigerian party appetizers (small chops)

Nigerians are party people, absolutely nothing stops them from partying and they don’t need much of an excuse to throw a party. A Nigerian party can have hundreds of guests in attendance. Hard-working people, who also party hard. Parties include Pre-wedding party (sometimes called “Suya night”), Traditional wedding, Church wedding, […]

Authentic Atama Soup (Abak Atama)

Atama soup, Abak Atama

Atama soup (Abak Atama) is a palm nut juice-based soup. It is local to the Ibibios and Efiks of Akwa-Ibom and Cross River States of South-south Nigeria. It is similar to Ofe Akwu (Igbo) and Banga soup (Niger Delta) the only difference is the herbs used in the different dishes. […]

Osumada 1 2 Osumada Soup

Osumada Soup

Osumada Soup is made with palm nut juice and the special ingredient is the osumada stick. Osumada (liquorice or oburunbebe) stick is the root of the plant, it is aromatic with a sweet flavour. This soup is native to the Agbor people of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria and […]

Easy Ofe Akparata

Ofe Akparata (with Ora)

Ofe Akparata is a simple but delicious Igbo Soup. Akparata is basically a thickener used in soups and other dishes. Most Igbo soups are named after the vegetable or herbs used in cooking them but this soup is named after the thickener. The first time we ate Ofe Akparata, my […]

St. Johns Ribfest 2019 11 St. John's NL Ribfest

St. John’s NL Ribfest

I hadn’t been to St John’s NL, Canada in roughly 2 years and I was super excited when our plane touched down at the St. John’s International Airport. Then

Egusi soup, Onugbu soup, Ora (oha) soup, igbo soups

13 Easy Igbo Soups

Igbo soups are rich, nutritious, wholesome, hearty, and very delicious. The Igbo tribe (Ndi Igbo) is concentrated in the southeastern region of Nigeria. They live in the rainforest region of the country and are very industrious and resourceful. Although many are highly educated in different professions, they are mainly known […]

Delicious Nkwobi (cowleg) in a plate with red onions and utazi

Nkwobi recipe

Nkwobi is cow leg mixed in a spicy palm oil sauce. Cow leg Nkwobi is the most popular type of Nkwobi, it is a delicacy from Igboland of Eastern Nigeria. It grew from a beer parlour (pub) favourite to a classy restaurant staple and with my simple recipe, you can […]

Jamaican cowfoot soup 16 Easy Jamaican Cowfoot Soup

Easy Jamaican Cowfoot Soup

Cowfoot Soup is a wholesome, comforting soup loved by Jamaicans and the Caribbean in general. They say it is good for a hangover and some believe it is an aphrodisiac, even the Zimbabweans agree too. Eating feet is common

Quick pickled vegetables

Quick Pickled Vegetables

Quick pickled vegetables is a quick and easy way to have pickle vegetables when you are in a hurry. Pickling is practised in many cultures across the world and it entails the immersion of food in saltwater brine or acidic liquid like vinegar until they are no longer raw. It […]

Easy and delicious Nigerian Fisherman soup

Nigerian Fisherman soup

Nigerian Fisherman soup is a simple soup made with fish and other seafood as its protein source. It is called Efere Ndek Iyak in Efik and is indigenous to the people of Akwa-Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria. Living with rivers winding through their towns and villages and bound […]