Author: gaga

Fresh Tomato Salsa

Fresh tomato salsa

Fresh tomato salsa has a clean and fresh taste and this recipe is simple, quick and easy to make. Since it is made from a few raw ingredients, the quality and freshness of these ingredients will determine the taste of the salsa. Try and use sweet tomatoes that are not very juicy […]

egg 1 6 Green (amaranth) omelette

Green (amaranth) omelette

Green amaranth omelette is so easy to put together and satisfyingly delicious to eat. The vegetable adds bits of green to the soft golden yellow of the egg. The taste of green amaranth  is mild and fresh, not strong at all, so it blends with the egg without overpowering it.  […]

okazi 1 okazi salad (Afang salad)

okazi salad (Afang salad)

Okazi salad (Afang Salad) is another delicacy from eastern Nigeria, it is usually served as a side or drinks accompaniment but never a complete meal. It is a salad made with finely shredded raw okazi (Afang) and shards of stockfish tossed in a spicy creamy dressing. The preparation is similar […]

Spicy smooth peanut butter, ose oji

Ose Oji (Spicy peanut butter)

Ose Oji, spicy peanut butter also called Okw’ose in the Igbo tradition, is a spicy smooth blend of peanuts. It is served as a dip for kolanut, oji and garden egg, anala/afufa, to visitors to the home or during ceremonies. Ose oji can be bought already made from the open market, but […]

easy abacha 1 3 Easy Abacha recipe

Easy Abacha recipe

This easy abacha recipe is one even a novice can’t ruin. It is straightforward and time saving.  Abacha, also called African Salad is made from processed shredded cassava tuber. It is a popular dish in the eastern part of Nigeria and is also called ‘jigbo’. Abacha is served as a […]

ugba 1 4 Ugba salad, oil bean seed salad

Ugba salad, oil bean seed salad

Ugba salad, oil bean seed salad is another African salad relished in the eastern part of Nigeria. Ugba is very flavoursome with a deeply rich umami taste. It is made from the oil bean seed, which grows inside a long pod on the oil bean tree. When the pod reaches […]

palm nut stew 1 5 Palm nut Stew, Stew Akwu

Palm nut Stew, Stew Akwu

Palm nut stew, stew akwu is an amazing combination of two delicious sauces. If you have variously eaten well made Nigerian tomato stew and Palm nut soup (ofe akwu, banga soup), you already know each is great on their own. When they are combined, they marry so well like they […]

palmnut extract 1 How to extract juice from Palm nuts

How to extract juice from Palm nuts

To extract juice from Palm nuts: Wash palm nuts very well and place in a pot, add enough water to cover the nuts. Boil for 30 minutes till the flesh of the palm nut is soft. It should easily split when pressed with the fingers.  Set a pot of water […]

Ofe akwu with herbs and rice

Ofe Akwu, Palm nut soup, Banga soup

Ofe akwu is made from palm nut extract. Palm nut soup is very popular in many countries where the palm nut tree grows, in the southeast and south-south/delta regions of Nigeria, it is ingrained in their cuisine. Variously called ofe akwu, palm nut soup, banga soup, abak atama, obe eyin […]

Delectable, fresh and crisp, nigerian vegetable-soup

Nigerian Vegetable Soup

I just harvested the first set of snails from my snail farm, so I decided to give my Renaissance man a treat. Fresh Nigerian vegetable soup with snails. He licked his fingers in delight. This vegetable soup is not edikang ikong, though they share almost the same ingredients, the timing […]